APA Style
ROBBINS, Stanley L., M.D., COTRAN, Ramzi S., M.D., KUMAR, Vinay, M.D., TJARTA, Achmad, Prof. Dr., HIMAWAN, Sutisna, Prof. Dr., KURNIAWAN, A.N., Dr.. (1999).
Buku Saku Robbins Dasar Patologi Penyakit (Pocket Companion to Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease) (Ed. v).
Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC.
Chicago Style
ROBBINS, Stanley L., M.D., COTRAN, Ramzi S., M.D., KUMAR, Vinay, M.D., TJARTA, Achmad, Prof. Dr., HIMAWAN, Sutisna, Prof. Dr., KURNIAWAN, A.N., Dr..
Buku Saku Robbins Dasar Patologi Penyakit (Pocket Companion to Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease).
Ed. v
Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC,
Teks Book.
MLA Style
ROBBINS, Stanley L., M.D., COTRAN, Ramzi S., M.D., KUMAR, Vinay, M.D., TJARTA, Achmad, Prof. Dr., HIMAWAN, Sutisna, Prof. Dr., KURNIAWAN, A.N., Dr..
Buku Saku Robbins Dasar Patologi Penyakit (Pocket Companion to Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease).
Ed. v
Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC,
Teks Book.
Turabian Style
ROBBINS, Stanley L., M.D., COTRAN, Ramzi S., M.D., KUMAR, Vinay, M.D., TJARTA, Achmad, Prof. Dr., HIMAWAN, Sutisna, Prof. Dr., KURNIAWAN, A.N., Dr..
Buku Saku Robbins Dasar Patologi Penyakit (Pocket Companion to Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease).
Ed. v
Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC,
Teks Book.